G364 All Hazard Planning for Schools (Beaumont EOC)- 23-25 April, no cost.
We were able to get the State to send in some people to provide this FEMA course locally. It’s Free. We would just like to have good participation from the school districts, University, Charter and Private Schools, even Day Schools and hopefully individual schools within the districts, as well as the Emergency Management and Risk Management communities. This will benefit other organizations too, not just schools, although that is the primary focus. Below is a copy of the course syllabus and recommended attendance. So far only 2 people have signed up. Please try to help with getting key people to participate so we can build our programs and coordination.
Registration is at PreparingTexas.Org and if you don’t have an account, it is real easy to request one at that site and type in the course number above and select the local opportunity (Beaumont)
Thanks in advance