General Meeting – September 15, 2011
John Gray Institute, 855 E. Florida, Beaumont, Texas
Dear ATAC and AMSC Members:
Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend our next Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council and Area Marine Security Committee meeting on Thursday, September 15, 2011, beginning at 9:30 am. The meeting is expected to last approximately 2.5 hours. At that meeting, we will also welcome back First Assistant United States Attorney Brit Featherston. Brit is completing a 15 month detail to the Department of Justice as Counsel for Emergency Management and will bring an expanded view of such concerns back to the Eastern District of Texas.
As I mentioned at our February meeting, during my attendance at the National ATAC Coordinators Conference last October, I was struck by how much the threats had evolved since ATAC was created following the attacks on September 11, 2001. Following that meeting, I began looking for an appropriate speaker to offer training to our council on the evolving nature of the terror threat. At every effort, Mr. Richard Marquise was the recommendation. I tried to secure him for our February 2011 meeting, but was unable to secure a date when he was available. I then determined to work towards securing Mr. Marquise for our September meeting and was able to do so. Mr. Marquise is a retired FBI Special Agent in Charge with an extensive background in terrorism investigation. I have asked him to prepare a presentation tailored towards concerns for law enforcement, first responders, waterfront industry, and Ports. I have attached his professional biography and hope that you will plan to attend.
Very truly yours,
John M. Bales
United States Attorney
Robert L. Hobbs
Attorney in Charge
For a brief biography about Mr. Marquise please click HERE to download the pdf